The 4DS Gateway allows for searching for resources from the Data Science and AI community.
core service
The 4DS Portal allows for exploring resources from 4DS and other NFDI consortia.
The 4DS Ontology expresses 4DS concepts and relationships between concepts in a formal language.
The NFDI4DS FDO Manager represents an implementation of the FDO (FAIR digital object).
service under development
Kubernetes infrastructure incorporating a GitOps solution via Argo CD.
HPC infrastructure via GitLab Runners
AI workflows and applications infrastructure via RYAX low code platform
Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server DROPS offers access to scientific papers.
Dagstuhl submission system DSub is used for submitting papers.
DBLP computer science bibliography.
ORKG - the Open Research Knowledge Graph.
A question answering service based on the ORKG.
Benchmarking Service.
FAIRness (Findability, Accessability, Interoperability, Reproducibility) Evaluation.
Service for the reproducibility of ML pipelines.
maPlan connects metadata involved in the creation of ML models.
Extraction of metadata from scholarly articles.
MLentory FDO registry for metadata on ML models.
Reasoning about tabular data using a pre-trained language model.
Knowledge graph representation of DBLP.
The Knowledge Graph representation of the ORKG.
Knowledge Graph representation of the GESIS Search.
Knowledge Graph representation of the GESIS Data Search.
Knowledge graph representation of the GESIS Methods Hub.
European Language Grid (ELG).
language technology
Common European Language Data Space (LDS).
Platform for Analytics and Distributed Machine Learning for Enterprises
life sciences
Social science Search Portal.
social sciences
Social science Datasearch Portal.
Sharing of methods for analyzing digital behavioral data.
A Base4NFDI service for Identity and Access Management.
base4nfdi service
A Base4NFDI service for Jupyter Services.
A Base4NFDI service providing Knowledge Graph Infrastructure.
A Base4NFDI service for software.
A Base4NFDI service for Persistent Identifiers.
A Base4NFDI service for Terminology Services.
Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines.
associated service