
Dagstuhl DROPS

Dagstuhl DROPS

2 min read

The Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server DROPS archives and provides open access to scientific papers.

Dagstuhl Research Online Publication Server (DROPS) is the publication server of Schloss Dagstuhl. All items published by the publishing house of the center - Dagstuhl Publishing - are administered via DROPS. All items are published along with detailed metadata including digital object identifiers (DOIs).

Target research artifacts are Research papers, Conference proceedings, Technical reports, Annual reports, Evaluated artifacts and Research datasets.

DROPS contains >20k published articles (proceedings/journals) incl. suppl. material and research artifacts and the Dagstuhl seminars.

The service is provided by

  • (1) Maintaining a submission and publication server;
  • (2) Aggregating, curating and typesetting of research items (mostly scholarly articles but also other artifacts such as research data) from multiple conferences and workshops;
  • (3) Provision of a publication workflow that focuses not only on scholarly articles but also on the collection of supplementary material (such as software, data, …);
  • (4) Collecting and curating metadata for the supplementary materials and ensuring the correct referencing between articles and supplementary materials (and in future also the independent publication of supplementary material); and
  • (5) Providing guidelines for authors on citation and referencing.

DROPS offers a Digital library / publication server incl. search engine, Access metrics and an API to access metadata.

Link: /services/drops