
IAM4NFDI incubator project started

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IAM4NFDI aims to connect and expand current and new IAM (Identity and Access Management) systems, allowing researchers from various fields and institutions to easily access digital resources in NFDI.

To achieve this goal, IAM4NFDI introduced Incubator Cycles to promote ideas and needs for the NFDI-AAI (Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure).

NFDI4DS successfully proposed such an incubator project. It is using ArgoCD as a prototype for implementing IAM solutions and will be realized at TU Dresden.

The TU Dresden data center has already set up a Kubernetes Cluster for NFDI4DS users. It provides a user-friendly GitOps solution, ArgoCD, to access the cluster. The main users of ArgoCD within NFDI4DataScience are providers of our services, such as repositories and computation services for the data science community.

The goal is to authenticate our ArgoCD users through Single Sign-On with their institutional credentials to

  • improve user experience
  • increase employee productivity by reducing the time they must spend signing on and dealing with passwords
  • achieve better access control
  • improve security

Additionally, we’d like to gain a comprehensive experience from connecting ArgoCD to NFDI’s community AAIs. This incubator project will share the lessons learned to leverage the A (Accessibility) and I (Interoperability) in FAIR.