NFDI4DS loves data <3. Find LoveDataWeek talks with our experts. ♥
Date and Time | Information |
February 13th, 10:00-11:30 (CET) | Navigating the Publication Flood with Connected Papers and the ORKG We will introduce both tools and present a workflow to organize research from different scientific fields with machine assistance. From finding papers to making their contents FAIR, this seminar will show researchers, libraries and publishers how to stay atop the publication flood. Speaker: Alex Tarnavsky Eitan (Co-Founder of Connected Papers) Anna-Lena Lorenz (Community Manager of ORKG) Participation link: Further Information: Love Data Week 2024 at the ORKG website |
February 16th, 14:00-15:00 | If you love data, you should love software … as software enables you to collect, transform, combine data and so on. You should also love metadata, by the way. While FAIR for research data and Data Management Plans have been nicely integrated into the research cycle, there is still a lot of work to do for research software. In this talk, we will introduce some steps and tools that can be used to improve FAIRness for research software and software management plans. Speaker: Leyla Jael Castro (ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences) Registration via: Further Information: Love Data Week 2024 at University of Cologne |
February 14th 13:30-15:30 | Die NFDI-Workshops des FID BBI The NFDI is intended to support researchers in making research data easily accessible, interlinking data, and to support long term persistence. 26 consortia have been founded dedicated to various disciplines. None of them is explicitly dedicated to the bibliography, library, and information science community. Researchers in these disciplines have to decide for themselves which consortium is most likely to facilitate them. FID BBI, the Fachinformationsdienst Buch-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaften, offers two workshops to support and accelerate this process. Further Information: |