Foto: Thomas Bendig
Angelie Kraft from NFDI4DS won the 2023 award of the working group women and informatics of the german computer society
NFDI4DS participant Angelie Kraft received the award for her master thesis “Triggering Models: Measuring and Mitigating Bias in German Language Generation”
The biennial award increases the visibility of female graduates and their achievements, being role models for other female students. The extra award Angelie Kraft received honours an outstanding thesis regarding responsible design of computer science technology and applications for the society respectively critically reflects their societal impact. The price is renumerated with 500 EURO and contains a one year membership in the Fachgruppe Frauen und Informatik in der GI e.V.
The award ceremony took place at 22th of April 2023 in Berlin. The certificate was handed over during the annual meeting of the working group by Prof. Ulrike Lucke, vice president of GI.
Angelie Kraft participates in NFDI4DS task areas TA1 and TA4 at Hamburg University. Currently she works on an AI Ethics-Videoseries.