
RDI4DS Workshop

RDI4DS Workshop

2 min read

Workshop RDI4DS: Research Data Infrastructures for Data Science and AI

Modern research on an internationally competitive level is no longer possible without digital support. More and more data is generated and more and more technical systems are used. This leads to a paradigm shift that is currently being accompanied by numerous activities in the field of research data infrastructures. Prominent examples are the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Within the NFDI consortium NFDI4DS, a national research data infrastructure for Data Science and AI is currently under development. The key idea is to work towards increasing the transparency, reproducibility and fairness of projects, by making all digital artifacts available, by interlinking them, and by offering new and innovative tools and services.

This interdisciplinary workshop will bring together researchers from different disciplines, to present and discuss recent developments. The goal is to create a common vision for a research data infrastructure for Data Science and AI.

The workshop will take place on Thursday, 28.09.2023 from 10:00 to 15:30 in Berlin (hybrid) in the context of INFORMATIK 2023.



NFDI4DS at a Glance
Christine Hennig et al [Link]

10:20-10:35 (incl discussion)
Community and Training in NFDI4DS
Anna-Lena Lorenz et al [Link]

10:35-10:50 (incl discussion)
Research Knowledge Graphs in NFDI4DS
Saurav Karmakar et al [Link]


11:15-11:35 (incl discussion)
NFDI4Energy Task Area 4: FAIR Data for Energy System Research
Amanda Wein et al [Link]

11:35-11:50 (incl discussion)
NFDI4DS Infrastructure and Services
Sonja Schimmler et al [Link]

11:50-12:05 (incl discussion)
NFDI4DS Transfer and Application
Ekaterina Borisova et al [Link]

12:05-12:20 (incl discussion)
NFDI4DS Shared Tasks
Raia Abu Ahmad et al [Link]


Ad-hoc working groups

Submission (closed)

Long papers (max. 8 pages) and short papers (max. 4 pages) can be submitted on the above topics. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. At least one author is expected to present the accepted paper during the workshop. The templates to be used for submission can be found at:

Papers should be submitted via EasyChair:


  • 15.6.23: Submission deadline for all papers
  • 30.6.23: Notification of acceptance
  • 15.7.23: Camera-ready submission deadline
  • 28.9.23: Workshop at INFORMATIK 2023

Programme Committee

All co-spokes of NFDI4DS and some additional reviewers:

  • Mahsa, Vafaie (FIZ Karlsruhe)
  • Shams Najeebullah (Uni Hamburg)
  • Tilahun Abedissa Taffa (Uni Hamburg)
  • Bianca Wentzel (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
  • Christine Hennig (Fraunhofer FOKUS)
  • Mahdi Esmailoghli (Leibniz Universität Hannover)


  • Prof. Dr. Sonja Schimmler, Fraunhofer FOKUS
  • Christine Hennig, Fraunhofer FOKUS


Previous NSLP Workshop