NFDI4DS Open Science Best Practices for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
NFDI4DS provides recommendations and tips for young researchers in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
In the past years, scientific research in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence has witnessed vast progress. The number of published papers and digital objects (e.g., data, code, models) is growing exponentially. However, not all research artifacts fulfill the criteria of being findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR), contributing to a rather low level of reproducibility of experimental findings reported in scholarly publications and to the reproducibility crisis.
The recommendations are aligned with the typical research timeline associated with the development of scientific articles and split into the four phases:
- Before starting the research
- During the research
- Paper submission
- Paper publication
Find the recommendations: https://nfdi4ds.github.io/ds-best-practices/